• Standard Canine Behavior Consultation – Dealing with canine behavior problems.
  • Canine Assessment – Behavioral assessment of a dog determining drives, stability and hazards.
  • Canine Education Session – Teaching dog owners how to drive their new dog, including puppy selection.
  • Remote Training Collar Training Sessions – Training dog owners in the safe and humane use of Remote Training Collars.
  • Sale of Remote Training Collars and accessories.



Are by appointment only.

Coverage Areas

Brisbane and Ipswich – West to Plainlands, North to Redcliffe, South to Beenleigh – Local behaviour specialist Grant

Gold Coast – Beenleigh to Coolangatta – Local behaviour specialist James

A standard consultation with The Paw Man will last 3-4 hours and is very intensive.  The behaviour specialist will initially gather the relevant data about your dog’s situation by asking many questions about the way you interact with your dog and how it behaves in particular circumstances.

There will also be an observational analysis as the behaviour specialist watches how you and your dog interact during the consult. Then comes the educations session where the behaviour specialist will uncover any misinformation that you may be working under, and then correct those errors. Then you will be given a basic grounding in dog behaviour and psychology to enable you to understand why your dog does what it does.

Once you understand why your dog does what it does, then changing that unwanted behaviour becomes a relatively simple matter.  The behaviour specialist will then explain how we are going to apply this knowledge to your dog and will initially demonstrate this for you and then assist you to action the change yourself.

This tends to be a very empowering event as problem behaviours that you felt helpless to address previously, quickly extinguish when you start communicating to the dog in a way that it clearly understands.

You will receive:

  • One to one instruction. The fastest way to learn.
  • Individual assessment of your dog. (Why it does what it does)
  • All methods tailored to your dogs unique character.
  • An in depth canine education.
  • A handy reference manual that will give you all the knowledge and skills you need to get your dog back under control.
  • A full explanation as to how and why all supplied methods work. 12 months guarantee (if the problem isn’t fixed by using the recommended methods then The Paw Man will come back for free until it is)
  • 12 months phone support.


Where does the problem really lay?

Statistics gathered over the past 33 years show that approximately. 90% of all canine behavioural problems are caused by the way the owner interacts with the dog.

Therefore 90% of all canine behavioural problems can be solved by altering the owners interaction with the dog.

The Paw Man specialises in educating dog owners in the correct way to interact with their canine companion. If you read the ‘References’ section you will see many testimonies from past clients who will verify that this is not a slow and gradual transition, but rather a rapid transition that can appear miraculous in the short time frame of a three hour consultation.

The Paw Man’s qualifications include:

  • Over 33 years service as a Police Dog Handler with the Royal Australian Air Force. Click here to see a photo of the behaviour specialist with his last dog.
  • 16 Years as an Instructor at the RAAFs Police Dog Handler Training School.
  • 33 years of in-home consultations.
  • Numerous published articles in Australia and overseas.

References available on request. Some samples are included on this site (Click on ‘References’ button) .

Methods used by The Paw Man are classical conditioning in the form of the Koehler method (pronounced ‘keeler’). The Koehler method mimics mother nature in that it uses a balanced mix of praise and aversives. The Koehler method is used by 90% of all Police and Service Dog organisations around the world. As The Paw Man specialises in dominant and aggressive dogs, most of the methods employ some sort of aversive to extinguish the unwanted behaviours. Pure positive methods can also be supplied upon request.

Canine Behavioural Assessment

If you have just got a dog, albeit a rescued a dog from a pound, animal shelter or other rescue organisation and you want to know exactly what you’ve got behaviourally, then a Canine Behaviour Assessment will tell you just that.  Sometimes dogs get involved in fights and allegations are made that a particular dog was the instigator or that it was predatory in nature, but the dog’s owners are unsure if that really is the case.  A Canine Behaviour Assessment takes between 1-2 hours and will give the owner of the dog a good idea of what makes the dog tick, what motivates it, how stable it is and if it represents an immediate physical hazard or legal liability to the owner.

Just like a child’s parents who are reluctant to blame their child when things go wrong and who would rather blame the company the child hangs around with, than their child, sometimes an external evaluation of the dog will either put your mind at ease or confirm that there really is a problem. Cautionary Note: The Paw Man’s assessment and professional opinion can be paid for but it cannot be ‘bought’.  Please be aware that the dog will be assessed as it is and that assessment will not be swayed in favour of what the person paying for the assessment would prefer the outcome to be.

As a dog’s behaviour can be changed by the application of external stimulae over time it is important to note that a behaviour assessment is a snapshot in time and it represents what the dog was at that point in time.  Months later the dog may be very different if it’s external environment has changed significantly.

Canine Education Session

A Canine Education Session is similar in content to a standard canine behavior consult but rather than being focused on solving a specific behavioral problem with the clients dog the session is an education session.  These sessions are ideal for first time dog owners or for those who want to clear away all the misinformation that abounds on how to train their dog and want to start off on the right foot.  Canine education sessions are also used by previous clients who just want a refresher when they get their next dog after losing their first one.

Education session content;

  • A basic understanding of the canine mind ,
  • Pack structure,
  • Dominance theory,
  • ommunication,
  • Body language,
  • Reinforcing wanted behaviors,
  • Extinguishing unwanted behaviors, and
  • Putting it all together.

Remote Training Collar (RTC) Training Session

During a small percentage of consults a Remote Training Collar may be suggested as being the ideal solution for your dog’s situation. RTCs are not a tool that any dog owner can pick up and use straight away. In fact if a member of the public buys a RTC and uses it on their dog without receiving sufficient instruction or being supervised by an experienced RTC trainer then you can guarantee that they will not use it correctly.  If the dog owner chooses a RTC as their preferred option then it is strongly advised that they avail themselves of the appropriate training for that piece of equipment.  The behaviour specialist will teach the bare minimum during his normal consultation but unless the dog’s owner is an experienced dog trainer then the behaviour specialist highly recommends that people intending to use RTCs as their primary training tool get appropriate training before they apply it to their dog.

The behaviour specialist has been using Remote Training Collars on selected difficult dogs since 1996 and has been the primary instructor for all things related to Remote Training Collars for the Royal Australian Air Force from 2000 up until he retired from the Air Force in 2012.  The behaviour specialist has also been an invited presenter to the QLD Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) on Remote Training Collars as well as being on the committee for the Victoria Government, Department of Primary Industries, Bureau of Animal Welfare for the formation of the ‘Code of Practice for Electronic Training Collars’ in Victoria.

There is a lot of misinformation around on remote training collars and much of the general public perceive them quite negatively.  Due to the extensive research that the behaviour specialist has done on RTC’s whilst he was in the military he has accumulated large amounts of research data and information from around the world that conclusively shows that RTCs are valid and humane training tools provided that they are used as intended.


police-dog-brisbaneThe Paw Man is available for discussion groups or Seminars.

Topics included are:

  • Dog Psychology (What makes your dog tick)
  • Canine Aggression (Dog to Dog & Dog to Human)
  • Canine Body Language & its interaction with Human Body Language
  • The Principle of Threshold Of Discomfort (TOD)
  • The correct usage of Aversives

These seminars can be aimed at any level from Novice to Instructor.